Partnering with Camp Hebron in Urban Ministry

WHO: Jr. and Sr. High Students

WHEN: June 19th – 24th

COST: $450 (deposit of $50 due with application. The rest will be covered by fundraising)


What we will be doing:

Service in Harrisburg and the surrounding community

Most of the day will be spent serving through city clean up, food pantry work, warehouse donation and supply sorting, or helping to run youth summer programming.

Camp Activities

The rest of our time will be spent at Camp Hebron: resting, eating, having worship/chapel time, and engaging in typical camp activities (group games, sports, low ropes, high ropes, canoeing, and a climbing wall).


Important Dates:

February 28th: Reply with interest in attending.

March 20th: Application and Deposit Due.

Both the application and $50 deposit (cash or check made out to CFC) can be submitted to the church office.

April 3rd:

          • Mission Meeting for Parents and Students
          • Students & Leaders send a letter to each of your prayer/ support people sharing the dates of the project and your prayer requests (send by email or snail mail).
          • Planning for fundraising breakfast

Sunday, May 1st: Missions Trip Fundraiser & Prayer Support Breakfast

          • Help prepare & serve a Continental Breakfast (9:30 am) at CFC.
          • Students will briefly share the challenges & opportunities this missions trip will present to themselves.
          • All students going are expected to attend and participate.
          • Parents volunteers may be needed to help lead this event from behind the scenes.
          • Money donated will be put towards the missions costs of the students that participate.


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