Christmas Events @ CFC
Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United StatesCheck out the graphic for all of our Christmas events this year at CFC! We hope to see you this Christmas season!
The following events are in addition to our weekly services, small groups, and Adult Bible Fellowships. We hope you’ll join us!
Check out the graphic for all of our Christmas events this year at CFC! We hope to see you this Christmas season!
It's that time of year! Gingerbread Wars is coming up, where we bring out the best (or worst! ) in families! We're doing something a LITTLE different this year than […]
Join us on Sunday, December 3rd at CFC for a special Children's Christmas Performance. The performance will be held in all 3 services (8:15, 9:30, and 10:45AM). We hope to […]
Let the Jr. & Sr. High take care of your kiddos while you prepare for the holidays! Go to to learn more and to sign up to be a […]
The Student Ministry will be running a “No Room at the Inn” themed escape room at CFC as a fundraiser for future Student Missions! Come join the fun and support […]
Are you interested in joining CFC as a member? In this class you'll learn about our church, opportunities to serve and grow, and some of the things that make our […]
Join us for "Engaging Your Community With Confidence" at Christian Fellowship Church. We will gather Saturday evening, March 16th from 5:15PM to 8:15PM (pizza dinner included) as well as Sunday […]
April 14, 2024 Join us for Missions Focus Sunday at Christian Fellowship Church. We will have a number of Missions Focused events on Sunday, April 14th. Check them out below: […]
Thank you for your interest in taking part in the Rent-A-Student program! Your participation directly supports our students as they seek to minister through our summer mission trips. Please fill […]
New Adult Bible Fellowships begin on April 28. Most ABF's will b e doing a six-session study on the book of Jonah entitled, "When God's Purpose Isn't In Your Plans". […]
Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can […]
Throughout the month of July, collection containers will be available in the foyer for food pantry items as well as school supply items. Please see the list on the bulletin […]