Save The Date!
We hope you’ll join us Sunday, March 23rd for a full day of digging deeper into prophetic issues of vital importance to those who love Jesus and those who love the nation of Israel!
Dr. David Gunn, formerly with Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit and now with Friends of Israel, will lead us in a scriptural investigation of the following topics:
Why should a Christian support the nation of Israel today? (8:15 and 10:45 AM)
Why is premillennialism the best explanation of the future of Israel? (9:30 AM in lieu of regular ABF’s – 5th grade & up)
Why is pretribulationalism the best explanation of the Lord’s return? Conversely, why is postribulationalism not the best explanation? (6:00-8:15 PM)

You Matter to God.
You Matter to Us.
Christian Fellowship Church | Sundays at 8:15, 9:30, or 10:45AM | 758 Spruce Rd. New Holland

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Our Sermon Series: A Fresh Start
The OT books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell the story of the return of the Jews to their homeland after an exile of 70 years in Babylon (605-536 BC). The return began by decree of Cyrus, the Persian King (Ezra 1:1–4). 50,000 Jews (Ezra 2:64) under the leadership of Zerubbabel constituted the initial wave of returnees. Their primary mission was to rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1–6). A second wave of returnees under the leadership of Ezra came to Jerusalem about 457 BC (Ezra 7–10). Finally, in 444 BC, Nehemiah arrived to lead the Jews in rebuilding of the walls of the city of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1–6). With Ezra’s help he also instituted vital covenantal reforms (Nehemiah 7–13). During this entire episode of Israel’s history, we see God’s gracious and sovereign intervention to both protect and encourage his people to be fully obedient, despite frequent opposition. In this series we will learn many important lessons about how to depend upon the Lord for the same protection and encouragement.

Join us Wednesday Nights for Adult Prayer & Share!
Join us for Bible study and prayer each Wednesday night at 7PM in our Adult Learning Center. Whether this is your first time to CFC or you’ve been here your whole life, you won’t want to miss this powerful opportunity to grow in your faith. We also have awesome Mountain Movers Kids Programs on Wednesday nights throughout the school year along with occasional fellowship meals. We hope you’ll join us for this midweek time to refocus on the Lord!
Our Ministries
Community Groups
We believe church works best when God’s people are growing both in God’s Word and community with one another!
At CFC, we have found small groups to be a practical place where this happens. We would love to tell you more
about this great ministry at CFC. Click below and sign up to join a small group.
Women's Ministry
At CFC, we believe we should minister to, mentor, and mobilize women of all ages and backgrounds for the sake of the Gospel!
Therefore, we have a number of great opportunities for women to get involved. We have multiple Bible Studies,
Moments for Moms, Ladies Fellowships, and a Mentoring Program where everyone is welcome! We hope you’ll join us.
Men's Ministry
Our goal is to provide opportunities throughout the year for men to connect, grow closer to one another,
and grow closer to the Lord. We do this by providing Bible Study opportunities as well as fun events
for men to enjoy and grow in. We hope you’ll join us at our next event!
Children's Ministry
At Mountain Movers Children’s Ministry, our vision is to partnering with families to help children be known to the body of
believers while rooted deeply in Scripture in order to lead and love like Jesus. We have a number of opportunities for you
and your children to get involved! We know your kids will grow up loving the Lord and loving Church if they’re a part of
What God is doing at CFC!
Student Ministry
The Student Ministry at Christian Fellowship Church exists to glorify God by equipping students to be committed disciples
of Christ. We believe true meaning comes from a good relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to help you grow spiritually
by learning to passionately love God and love others in your daily life. Along this journey of becoming more like Christ we
will have tons of fun and be crazy, while making many memories! Come check us out!
Adult Bible Fellowships
An Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) is a group which provides you with an opportunity to be a part of a smaller community
within CFC with the aim of growing you closer to the Lord. ABFs are groups of generally 15 to 30 attenders who meet
together each Sunday morning at 8:15, 9:30, or 10:45. The size of these groups makes interactive learning very effective
and relationships easy to form. ABF classes provide opportunities for Bible study, building relationships, prayer and service.
In short, ABFs provide you with the chance to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. Another great thing about ABF’s is that they
are always open to new people joining! We’d love to have you join an ABF on your first Sunday at Christian Fellowship Church.
Join Our “Things 2 Know” Email List
Want to be more connected with what’s going on at CFC? Want weekly updates from our Pastoral Staff? Fill out the form below and we’ll add you to our “Things 2 Know” email list!
In our emails, we send out information on upcoming pertinent events, prayer requests, and occasional thoughts from our Pastoral Staff. We would love for you to be kept in the know with our “Things 2 Know”! Fill out the form below and we’ll add you to the list.