Our Purpose
Acts 2:42 – “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

Everything we do in our group has one of three purposes: (1) We believe we are meant to KNOW the Word of God. (2) We believe we are meant to SHOW God’s love through service and evangelism. (3) We also believe we are to GROW in our affections towards the Lord and to one another.
Accomplishing Our Purpose

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Fellowship
This is our main time each week to gather together to study God’s Word. We will do both topical studies as well as exegetical studies, verse by verse through the Bible. We meet each Sunday at 9:30AM in room FH-205. There is no sign-up requirement for this. Just show up and be a part!

Sunday Morning Worship
Our whole church is encouraged to be a part of our Sunday Worship at CFC, but we think this is of special importance to our Young Adult Singles. There are many reasons behind this, but the two main ones we see are that, (1) we need to be building relationships with people outside our age group and (2) we need to worship and learn together as the body of Christ. Most of our Young Adults worship together at our 10:45AM worship service in the sanctuary.

Monthly Gatherings Outside of Church
When we read the Gospels, we realize that Jesus did most of His ministry outside the church and with people where they are at! We want to embody that mindset in our group. Therefore we have monthly events geared towards fellowship, service, and outreach. We hope you’ll join us at an upcoming event!

What We’re Studying
The first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis hold the keys to the beginning—but not so much as a history of the world or of the human race, but as a history of God’s love, grace, and promise to his creations.
In this study, pastor John MacArthur will guide you through an in-depth look at the creation story and some of our earliest interactions with each other and with our Creator. From the first murder to the first covenant, this study includes close-up examinations of Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and Noah, as well as careful considerations of doctrinal themes such as “The Fall of Man” and “Heritage and Family.”