After Valentine’s Day Date Night

We hope you and your significant other will join us on Saturday, February 24th at 5PM for a date night!  We’ll eat some delicious food together, be spurred on in our relationships, and enjoy fellowship with one another.  We hope you’ll join us!  Let us know you can make it (RSVP is required so we know how much food to prepare) below:

In the midst of the busiest time of year…

It’s too easy to forget about the relationships that really matter!  Our “After Valentine’s Day” Date Night is meant to be a fun way to remind us that our relationships are to be marked by Christ’s love for us.  This should lead us to finding JOY in one another.

We’ll gather at around 5PM (location within CFC is to be determined based on # of couples) and enjoy a catered meal. This meal will be served by our staff as a thank you to our church family.  Following this, we will play a few couples-oriented games around our tables and then be encouraged in our marriages and dating relationships through a short devotional by Pastor Matt Meservy.

What about childcare?

One of our hopes for this event is that it will be multi-generational!  We love seeing God’s people of all ages come together and encourage one another (especially in regards to our relationships!).  This means, we’re going to do our best to make sure everyone can make it.  We currently plan to provide ON-SITE CHILDCARE through members of our Youth Ministry.  If you have children, bring them along and drop them off at our children’s ministry.

Registration for this event is now closed.  If you would like more information please reach out to Pastor Matt at