The following events are in addition to our weekly services, small groups, and Adult Bible Fellowships.  We hope you’ll join us!



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Jr. & Sr. High Connect Retreat

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

It’s time for our annual “stay-retreat”! During Connect weekend, we will meet at CFC to begin, but most of the day will be spent in small groups doing activities like corn mazes, pumpkin carving, and so forth (each small group leader will decide what their group will be doing). We will reconvene in the evening […]

Churchwide Fellowship Meal

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Join us for a church-wide fellowship meal on November 6th at 5:45PM.  Let us know you're coming so we can ensure we have enough food!  Friends/family are welcome to join as well. RSVP at

Jr. High – Sky Zone Trip

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Jr. High Students!  Join us for Sky Zone on Wednesday, November 6th from 6:15 to 8:45PM.  We'll meet up at CFC before heading over to Sky Zone.  You are welcome to join us beforehand at church as well for our Fellowship Meal at 5:45 (make sure to RSVP).  The cost for this event is $10.

Crossnet Giving Tree Opportunity

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Stop by the Giving Tree in the church lobby Sundays in November!  This will provide you with an opportunity to bless a child in the ELANCO community this Christmas. Each ornament represents one child. We are also seeking gift cards, stocking stuffers, wrapping paper and tape. Please consider participating in this annual ministry.

Ladies Fellowship – Christmas Joys

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Christian Fellowship Church invites all ladies to join us for "Christmas Joys"! Thursday, November 14th, 2024 at 6:15pm $8.00 donation at the door Tara Harting & Tina Leaman will be sharing "Less Stress Holiday Cooking". Dinner, Devotional by Lindsay Heller, & Special Music included. Go to to RSVP.


Thanksgiving Eve Service & Fellowship at CFC

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Join us at CFC for our Thanksgiving Eve Service & Fellowship. We'll gather together at 7PM on Wednesday, 11/27 for charcuterie boards, thankfulness discussions, testimonies, music, and a devotion led by our elders. This is one of our favorite worship events of the year! Its purpose is to reorient our minds towards gratitude and worship […]

Thanksgiving Morning Flag Football

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Our Youth Ministry and Young Adults Ministry willl be gathering at CFC on Thursday, November 28th at 8AM for a rowdy game of flag football!  We'll have snacks and a cheering section as well if you want to come but aren't up for running around.  Hope to see you there!

Holiday Schedule – Thanksgiving

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we will gather for worship at 9:30 & 10:45AM ONLY on Sunday, December 1st.  We will not hold an 8:15AM service that morning.  Also, we will also not hold any Adult Bible Fellowships that morning. The church office will be closed - Thursday & Friday - 11/28-29. Happy Thanksgiving Church […]

December – Christmas Events at CFC

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Join our various ministries throughout December for these special opportunities!

Gingerbread Wars – Family Event

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

If you have kiddos birth-6th grade, you are welcome to join us for our annual Gingerbread Wars at CFC!  We'll compete against one another as families to see who can create the best gingerbread house.  You'll find out the theme on arrival. Join us Friday, December 6th at 6:30PM in the Children's Wing for this […]

New Adult Bible Fellowship Options Starting!

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

All are welcome! Please join us on December 8 for our new topics which include, “Ruth” – rescued by the redeemer and “Never Beyond Hope” – explore how God provides hope for imperfect people. We meet at 8:15, 9:30 or 10:45am. An Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) is a group which provides you with an opportunity […]

Born To Shine – CFC Youth/Children’s Christmas Play

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Join us for "Born To Shine"!  A Children/Youth Christmas Play at CFC.  We'll gather in the sanctuary on Sunday evening, December 8th at 6PM for the performance.  After the play, we will enjoy some snacks and fellowship together in the fellowship hall.  Hope to see you there!