The following events are in addition to our weekly services, small groups, and Adult Bible Fellowships.  We hope you’ll join us!




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Prophecy Seminar

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Please plan to join us Sunday, March 23rd for a full day of digging deeper into prophetic issues of vital importance to those who love Jesus and those who love the nation of Israel! Dr. David Gunn, formerly with Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit and now with Friends of Isreal, will lead us in […]

Community Fellowship Meal

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Join us for a churchwide fellowship meal on Wednesday Night, April 2nd.  Whether it's your first time coming through CFC's doors or if you've been here for a number of years, all are welcome!  Check out to learn more and to let us know you are coming!

Mission Focus Sunday

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Join us Sunday morning, April 6th for Mission Focus Sunday at CFC.  We'll have a special guest speaker, Dr. Chris Gnanakan speaking in all three of our morning services.  We'll also have our missionaries speaking/sharing in our Adult Bible Fellowships that morning.  We hope you'll plan to join us and invite a friend for this […]

Explore God’s Creation – An Interactive Reptile Show

Christian Fellowship Church 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland, PA, United States

Join us for this special event on April 27th!  We'll "Explore God's Creation" as we enjoy an interactive reptile show with the Forgotten Friend Reptile Sanctuary.  The program is 6:00-7:00 p.m. with refreshments to follow.  No RSVP necessary, just show up and enjoy the show!