Community Groups
At CFC we offer a wide range of community groups. There are various types of groups for differing age ranges available to help people develop relationships of spiritual significance and to grow in their faith. Get connected and join a community group today!

The Zeek Group
This group focuses largely on digging deep into the Bible in order to grow closer as a community of believers. This group meets one Saturday a month and children are welcome.

The Carr Group
This group will be focusing on a Bible study by Max Lucado on the life of Joseph. We are outward focused, so if you are new to CFC we’d love to have you as a part of our group! We meet once a month on Sunday nights.

The Kauffman Group
This group’s focus is on growing the church with newer families. Our group’s first goal will be to fellowship and grow closer to one another in the midst of learning God’s Word together. Kids are welcome in our group.

The Culp Group
Our focus is on studying the Bible and to use what we learn to discern the times that we live in. We have a meal together, share prayer requests, and have Bible study at each meeting. We meet twice a month on Sundays after church.

The Finkey Group
Our group is focused on fellowship and studying God’s Word. We have a number of young families with young children in our group. We meet either on Friday or Saturday nights once a month depending on what works best for our group.

The Rohrbaugh (Sr) Group
Our focus is to provide fellowship and fun for those who are busy being “doers” around the church and in various ministries. Our group meets once a month on a Sunday afternoon.

The Aldrich Group
Our group’s goal is to grow closer to one another in the midst of learning God’s Word and praying together. We are a group that is largely retired couples and singles. We meet 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month in the evenings.

The Brodhecker Group
Our group is led by Denny for Bible Study, but we also have Wilma Smoker hosting and Jeanie Horst as our point person! We believe that teamwork helps us grow in fellowship with one another. We meet once a month on a weekend.

The Lapp Group
Our group is largely social! We share food and fellowship once a month typically on a weekend evening. We also share prayer requests and will be studying “The Life We Long To Live” by Tom Nelson.

The Rohrbaugh (Jr) Group
Our group’s focus is on fellowship and applying God’s word to our busy lives. Our schedule is flexible, typically meeting twice monthly in our homes on a Friday or Saturday. Some meetings are fellowship focused while others will be more study focused. Currently we are studying building biblical relationships & caring for one another in God’s design.

The Hartline Group
Our group is full of parents of teenagers. We are a very social group but we also enjoy diving into God’s Word. We are starting a new marriage study this fall. We meet on Sunday nights once a month.

The Heaps Group
Our group enjoys meeting for fellowship, prayer, and Bible Study. We meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month in the evening.

The Van Etten Group
Our group focuses on building missional relationships with older couplest at CFC. We meet twice a month: once via Zoom and once at a local restaurant for fellowship. Both of these meetings take place on Sunday evenings.
Group Leaders:
We are so thankful you are serving as a community group leader! This is an invaluable ministry that plays a large role in our church’s focus of leading people in a GROWING relationship with (1) Jesus Christ and (2) His people, the Church. We would greatly appreciate if after each small group meeting you lead, you would take a moment to fill out the form by clicking the link below. God calls us to know the condition of our flock and this is a pivotal way for us to know our flock, be praying for our flock, and lead our flock towards Jesus.