Our Women’s Ministry would like to invite you to join us for our Ladies Fellowship events throughout the year. Dinner, music and fellowship will be included! We do ask for an $8 donation at the door to help us cover costs.
Each event is on a Thursday evening at 6:15pm at CFC in our gym and sanctuary.
Ladies Fellowship invites you to join us for a “Heart” filled evening on Thursday, February 13th, at 6:15 pm. Guest speakers will be “Megan Shertzer & Tim Rodgers,” authors of “Beechdale Road,” Dinner & Music included.
Baked Potato bar, salad & dessert! $8 donation requested at the door.
Plan ahead for our next Ladies Fellowship:
Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 6:15pm
Andrea Martin Fox (Fox Meadows Creamery) will share her testimony of God’s faithfulness in her life!